Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Prehistoric party village found near Stonehenge

Photo by Louise Salmond-Smith © 2007, reproduced with kind permission.*

Despite the fact that the National Geographic article makes no mention of it, the report in The Times reckons the discovery of a prehistoric village at Durrington Walls, a mere stone's throw (less than two miles) from Stonehenge was in fact originally established for the builders of Stonehenge as a location for large feasts and festivals, a sort of prehistoric party village or perhaps England's first Woodstock or Tribal Gathering. A place where they could enjoy vast amounts of food and a good place to kip for the night or just rock on with friends and strangers, apparently much needed incentives when trying to convince people to move 50 odd tonne Saracen stones..."Just a few more miles Dafydd and there's a nice pint and half a sheep waiting for you when we arrive mate."

The Time Online - Stonehenge 'party village' unearthed in Wiltshire

* You can peruse or purchase Louise's awesome and beautiful photgraphs at or by clicking on Louise under the mi casa su casa link.

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